Memphis Sanitation Strike/March (22 images)
Marchers Leave Claybo...psd
Marchers Leave Church...psd
Bundled Against the C...psd
Marchers Leave Church...psd
On Downtown Sidewalks...psd
At City Hall B.psd
At City Hall A.psd
Bundled Against the C...psd
Busy Downtown A.psd
Children A.psd
Busy Downtown B.psd
Harry Wiersema (US Ci...psd
Children B.psd
Maxine Smith On Down...psd
Maxine Smith On Down...psd
Maxine Smith On Down...psd
Maxine Smith On Down...psd
Rev. James Lawson B.psd
Invisible March A.psd
Cold City Streets B.psd
Cold City Streets A.psd